Worth a Listen, Look or Read #20 — Uncovering the Power of Plural

Are we destined for one purpose in life, or does the Universe really desire to lay multiple pathways at our feet? Are we meant to specialists, focusing on a narrow band of study or work, or is our DNA really geared to make us generalists? Erin Mote, co-founder of the Brooklyn Laboratory Charter School in Brooklyn NY knows what she wants for her “scholars.” What about the rest of us? Join the exploration.

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Jeff Ikler
Worth a Listen, Look or Read #19 — Give Your Imposter Syndrome a Time Out

If you’re curious why high achievers are particularly susceptible to the IMPOSTER SYNDROME, and why humans are wired for negative thinking as reflected in the IMPOSTER SYNDROME, and why social media and ghosting have contributed to the growing cases of IMPOSTER SYNDROME, and how you can begin to send your own critic to a time out, then give this edition of our Getting Unstuck mini-podcast a listen, look and read.

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Jeff Ikler