48: Meeting All Students Where They Are

The Cultivating Resilience podcast series is sponsored by the Compassionate School Leadership Academy, the Center for Educational Improvement, and Yale University. The focus of our work is on students’ and staff’s mental health and well-being. We are researching a protocol to guide schools toward a more compassionate school environment and culture. Central to this work is our School Compassionate Culture, Analytical Tool for Educators (S-CCATE), which assesses a school's current compassionate culture and its associated needs. When a school takes S-CCATE, which takes about 15 minutes and is appropriate for any school staff, that school will receive (1) a graphical summary, (2) our recommended compassionate school actions, and (3) a comparison of that school's results to our national sample. 

To take S-CCATE, visit our website or contact Dr. Martha Staeheli at Yale University (martha.staeheli@yale.edu).

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Our guest

Diane Wagenhals is a Program Director for Lakeside Educational Network. Her current responsibilities include overseeing programming and authoring curriculum for the Lakeside Global Institute. Lakeside manages therapeutic schools and services that identify and address student behaviors but also the real reasons students struggle and fail. Lakeside also trains professionals across the country and around the world in a brain-based, trauma-informed approach. Diane has authored over 35 courses and workshops and was a fellow with the Child Trauma Academy from 2010 - 2021. She serves as Secretary for the board of the Campaign for Trauma-Informed Policy & Practice.

The Takeaway

Teachers have the opportunity to impact students in ways that can change the trajectory of their life. To do this, teachers have to be prepared to embrace students emotionally by knowing how to regulate their own emotional stability. Showing respect and a having willingness to care for them has profound impacts on students. 

As you listen

  1. What is trans-generational trauma?

  2. How can teachers implement effective communication strategies?

  3. What occurs in the brain when someone is dysregulated due to trauma?

  4. What should administrators focus on to transform their school?

  5. Why is it necessary for teachers to learn how to regulate themselves?

In her own words

What are key concerns and practices when working with traumatized youth?

Connect with Diane
