352: Navigating the Challenges Facing U.S. Public Education

“The purpose of school is to prepare students for opportunities and the ability to have choices for their future after high school graduation. That means when they leave our system, they are ready for the workforce, community college, 4-year college, the military, an apprenticeship program, or a gap year - whatever they decide to do with their life!”— Dr. Julie Vitale, Superintendent Oceanside California Public Schools

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Julie A. Vitale, Ph.D. is the Superintendent of the Oceanside Unified School District.

Her educational journey includes a Ph.D. in Urban Educational Administration from Claremont Graduate University, a Master of Arts in Educational Administration, and a Masters and Bachelor of Arts from the University of LaVerne.

Dr. Vitale has been a faculty member at Concordia University since 2007, contributing to the development of their Ed.D. Program. Her dedication to education has earned her prestigious recognitions, including the Western Riverside County Association of School Managers Superintendent of the Year and the Urban Leadership Alumni Achievement Award from Claremont Graduate University. Notably, she was honored with the Lighthouse Award by the San Diego County Office of Education for her commitment to equity and inclusivity. Actively engaged in educational leadership beyond her district, Dr. Vitale serves on the Governing Boards for AASA. She also served on the governing board for the Association of California School Administrators (ACSA), where she played a pivotal role in organizing the Lead with Pride Summit, focusing on LGBTQ+ inclusivity in schools.

Why This Episode Matters

This episode illuminates various challenges facing public education in the United States, including the:

• push for patriotic-structured U.S. History lessons

• de-emphasis/elimination of DEI and the restrictions of gender definitions

• continued move toward the privatization of schools

• escalation of gun violence

• dislike in some political circles of social-emotional learning programs and

• low morale among teachers and administrators


CASEL website: https://casel.org/

Human Rights Campaign: https://www.hrc.org/

About Jeff

Jeff Ikler is the Director of Quetico Leadership and Career Coaching. “Quetico” (KWEH-teh-co). He works with leaders in all aspects of life to identify and overcome obstacles in their desired future. He came to the field of coaching after a 35-year career in educational publishing. Prior to his career in educational publishing, Jeff taught high school U.S. history and government.

Jeff has hosted the “Getting Unstuck—Cultivating Curiosity” podcast for 5 years. The guests and topics he explores are designed to help listeners think differently about the familiar and welcome the new as something to consider. He is also the co-host of the Cultivating Resilience – A Whole Community Approach to Alleviating Trauma in Schools, which promotes mental health and overall wellness.

Jeff co-authored Shifting: How School Leaders Can Create a Culture of Change. Shifting integrates leadership development and change mechanics in a three-part change framework to help guide school leaders and their teams toward productive change.

Show Credits

"Getting Unstuck" is commercial-free. It’s brought to you by Jeff Ikler, his amazing guests, and Neil Hughes, the best engineer a podcaster could ask for.

"Getting Unstuck" theme music: Original composition of "Allegro ben ritmato e deciso" by George Gershwin. Arrangement and recording courtesy of Bruno Lecoeur.

Jeff Ikler