261: How and Why Does Fear Show Up in the Workplace?

This is Part 1 of a two-part episode.

“All of the performance factors that we look for, you know, the outcomes we're looking for in teams and organizations are negatively impacted by a fear-based culture.” Renée Smith

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My guest

Renée Smith MSOD is the founder and CEO of A Human Workplace, a global movement, and consultancy committed to making work more human. She led award-winning culture work as a state executive and served in the Governor’s Office as Director of Workplace Transformation for the State of Washington. Renée is a researcher, writer, and speaker who’s reached hundreds of audiences worldwide, making the business case for a human workplace. 


Renée and I discussed her journey into organizational development and why she started her organization, A Human Workplace, which aims to eliminate fear in the workplace.

Through her research, Renée discovered various fear stories, including

> uncertainty after a change initiative,

> toxic experiences through betrayal and loss of trust, and

> public shaming, harassment, and discrimination.

These fear experiences can originate from leaders and team members and have significant physical and emotional consequences for individuals. Fear-based cultures can also harm organizations through reduced productivity and higher turnover rates.

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AHumanWorkplace.com (Company)









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"Getting Unstuck" is commercial-free. It’s brought to you by Jeff Ikler, his amazing guests, and Neil Hughes, the best engineer a podcaster could ask for.

"Getting Unstuck" theme music: Original composition of "Allegro ben ritmato e deciso" by George Gershwin. Arrangement and recording courtesy of Bruno Lecoeur.

Jeff Ikler