233: Answering the Other Powerful Question

Why do I do what I do?

Is our work — the products we design and build; the services we perform and how we perform them — in alignment with our deepest values? If not...

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Like the powerful question organizations need to ask — “Why do we exist?” — “Why do I do what I do?” is a powerful question we should all ask ourselves periodically.


√ “Why does our organization exist?” is a powerful question that everyone in an organization should be able to answer uniformly. If they can’t, the organization’s purpose and people are likely out of alignment.

√ Misalignment can have a significant impact on staff morale, productivity, and achieving desired results.

√ Asking, “Why do I do what I do?” brings purpose setting down to the individual level.

√ If the work we do and how we do it is not in alignment with our deepest values, we will find ourselves in a position of misalignment — and suffer the consequences.


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