Getting Unstuck #189: Creating the Right Environment for Shared Leadership
“One of the things that I have have been really interested in is the perception on the part of students who feel they should have a voice in this class or in the school. There’s an expressed need to feel that they belong. And I think these two ideas are severely overlooked when we’re talking about the world from a leader lens, like strategic planning, or improvement goals. Often we look at the academic data, but we’re not looking at things like how students are experiencing the class in the school.”
Our Guest
Lyndsay Lyons (she/her) is an educational justice coach who helps teachers design curricula that centers student voice and helps leaders build capacity for shared leadership. Lindsay taught in NYC, holds a Ph.D. in Leadership and Change, and is the founder of the blog and podcast, Time for Teachership.
Listen for
√ What did Lindsay do to engage her students in learning?
√ How can teachers structure their lessons to become more comfortable with giving up some control to students?
√ Why it’s critical to integrate social and emotional learning with academic learning.
√ What does Lindsay mean by “radical collegiality”?
√ What are some of the elements that the “Shared Leadership Worksheet” explores?
√ How does the idea of bravery factor into the message that Lindsay is communicating to teachers and administrators?
Each episode of the Time for Teachership podcast offers concrete approaches and strategies to make teaching and leading for justice a reality in your school. Episodes include a mix of 20-minute step-by-step "how to" shows from the host, Dr. Lindsay Lyons, and guest episodes in which equity-focused teachers and leaders share their dreams, strategies, and mindsets for advancing justice in education. Each episode also comes with a free resource for listeners to further their learning or apply what they learned!
Cultivating Genius by Gholdy Muhhamad
Connect with Lindsay
Free Resources
For teachers: Backwards Planning Template -
For leaders: Setting Up Shared Leadership -
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