Getting Unstuck #124: Teaching as Transformational Leadership
How would the teacher engaging in the “co-creative perspective” be positioned to bring about transformational learning on the part of his or her students?
Today on Getting Unstuck
In this episode, we welcome Dr. Robert E. Quinn. Dr. Quinn is the Margaret Elliot Tracy Professor Emeritus at the University of Michigan, Ross School of Business. His research and writing focus on purpose, leadership, culture and change. He is one of the co-founders in the field of Positive Organizational Scholarship and a cofounder of the Center for Positive Organizations. He is the author of 18 books, one of which we’ll explore in this session: The Best Teacher in You.
How you can use this podcast
Dr. Quinn speaks to the idea of individuals and organizations creating and following a higher-purpose – their “why” they do what they do. How clear are you on why your school or organization does what it does? Can you explain its purpose in one sentence? Can your co-workers? What are the implications if you can’t?
How often do you engage in the self-evaluation process that Dr. Quinn describes: weighing your daily effort and results against that higher purpose? If you engage in that process regularly, what are you noticing? If you don’t routinely engage in this self-evaluation process, where could you build it into your day?
Connect with Bob Quinn
“Could a book on how to change in education be anymore timely?“
It is needed as educational leaders work through new distance learning approaches for all students. Educators must balance educating students, while keeping staff and students healthy. There is fear on the part of many teachers to remain healthy as they go back to school. Their why is to inspire and ensure that students thrive emotionally, socially and academically.
— Patrick Sweeney, Leadership Coach / Retired Superintendent