Getting Unstuck: Recognizing the Only Person's Approval a Woman Needs – an Interview with Kris Macc
“I help leaders in organizations bring their best selves to work. They’re able to understand others and expressing themselves better. They’re able to build meaningful relationships that are mutually beneficial. They’re able to make better decisions, and they’re able to manage stress in a more effective way.”
In this episode of “Getting Unstuck – Shift for Impact,” we’re joined by Kris Macc. Kris is the founder and president of KMACC Solutions, a consulting firm specializing in emotional intelligence and leadership development in the workplace.
She is also the author of the recently published and highly acclaimed #NOAPPROVALNEEDED, a book that brings together the voices of almost 60 women in their 40s from all over the world.
As you listen
• How do men and women often differ in terms of their emotional intelligence?
• How does Kris’ experience with vulnerability inform her work with leaders around their emotional intelligence?
• What are the detrimental behaviors that bad bosses typically demonstrate?
• What is the story behind the title and cover of Kris’ book, #NoApprovalNeeded and how do they speak to the content – the theme – of the book?
• Why are the 40’s so critical in terms of a woman’s life? What is the book’s message to women in their 20’s and 30’s, and to women in their 50’s and beyond?
• What was Kris’ biggest surprise or learning through the research she conducted? What was one value that surfaced time and again in the stories that Kris felt was lacking in the world today?
• What was the inner dialogue battle that Kris experienced during the writing of the book, and what role did accountability to the women she interviewed play in helping her to finish it?
• What were some of the observations women made about
- being in the prime of their life?
- what men should understand about women, especially their significant others?
- mom guilt?
“If you want more relationships with friends, women and former co-workers then you need to make that happen and not take it personally when you feel like you’re being put on the back burner.”
Making it personal
What are the important transformation periods in your life – planned and unplanned? What did you learn from the precipitating event, and how did that experience shape your life that followed?