Getting Unstuck: Mindfulness Part 2 > Envisioning the Mindful Leader – an Interview with Michael Bunting
What does it mean to be “mindful”? How can you work toward being more mindful? How does the mindful leader behave, and what impact does he or she have on those with whom they work? We’ll get answers to these questions and more in this interview with Michael Bunting. Michael is the author of a number of books, most notably The Mindful Leader. And, as a consultant and trainer, Michael works around the world with organizations, helping them to transform their leadership and culture.
Listen for:
• The relationship between Vuca and mindfulness and emotional intelligence.
• Why Michael believes mindfulness – developing self-awareness – is the cornerstone of adult development.
• The four domains of mindfulness.
• The benefits of “body awareness.”
• The connection between body awareness and self-regulation.
• The 7 disciplines of the mindful leader.
• What lies at the core of transformational work.
• How mindfulness can help to quiet your inner judge.
After listening to the episode:
What patterns of behavior are you seeing in yourself?
Where does your organization tend to fall on the concept of balance of love and honesty?
What would you do to be self-aware right now?
Michael mentioned that we often “delegate our self-worth to other people.” Where might you have done that?
For additional information:
About Michael:
His app: