Getting Unstuck: Growing Out of Adversity – a Transformation Story with Randy Ginsburg
“To be honest, I don’t remember what I was being bullied about in that moment. But something snapped. I went on a rant for the first time acknowledging the fact that I followed this buly around like a puppy dog, and that this would no longer continue. I vowed to make it clear not only to myself, but to him and everyone else around me that this wasn’t how I was going to live my life. And as I began to speak my mind and stand up for myself, things began to change rapidly.”
Today on Getting Unstuck
Our lives are rarely linear. Most of us start out “here” and then make a series of twists and turns. Sometimes we’re the driver. Sometimes fate and opportunity take the wheel. And sometimes someone else says “I’ll drive.”
In this series we’re calling “Transformation Stories,” we depart from our traditional format where we talk to an expert about some aspect of change. Instead, here we interview one individual about how they came to be where they are today. We’ll focus on a turning point, or catalyst that propelled them from a less than desirable situation to one that’s more aligned with who they really are and where they want to be.
Today we’ll hear from Randy Ginsburg. Randy is the author Adversity to Advantage: How to Overcome Bullying and Find Entrepreneurial Success. All I’m going to say by way of further introduction is that Randy speaks from experience on both the bullying and entrepreneurial fronts.
Let’s hear his story.
“I'm not saying I'm completely fixed, or it's completely gone, but I've learned how to deal with it, and it's made me a much more comfortable person in my own skin – much more confident, resilient, emotionally intelligent and sociable.”
Listen for
• What triggered Randy’s transformation; how he stopped the bullying he was experiencing.
• How Randy’s first entrepreneurial experience helped pull him out of his isolation and bullied mentality.
• How enrolling in the “L.i.f.e. School” impacted Randy’s transition.
• The various ways the experience of being bullied has a positive impact on almost half of those bullied.
• Why the experience of being bullied can actually benefit those who have an entrepreneurial spirit.
• The I.N.V.E.N.T. framework: how its intended to support those being bullied or transitioning out of being bullied, and how it speaks to those qualities the entrepreneur needs.
• The importance of “the third door” as a metaphor for those people who have the entrepreneurial spirit.
“Once you devote, devote yourself to something deeper, whether it’s a project or work or something that you’re really interested in, it actually helps you to separate yourself from whatever type of adversity you’ve been facing.”
For more information
Randy’s LinkedIn profile